Travelling Worm

A bookworm's travelogue

Salt pan in Willandra Lakes Region

This is the blog of Mark Wordsworm, the travelling worm. I’m a 40-year-old bookmark (give or take a few years) and I proudly boast my own Hallmark serial number, 95 HBM 80-1. You’ll probably want to read all about me and my Travelling Companion (the TC).

Today’s travel notes

Me and the TC left White Cliffs and its opal mines (check my previous post) to drive deeper into the Australian Outback. We stopped at a dry salt lake in the Willandra Lakes Region, near Ivanhoe, NSW.

The book I’m in

Bitter Sun, by Beth Lewis. I’m tucked in right at the beginning of this book, and already I’m intrigued by the main character.

Travel tips

Hop out of the vehicle and breath in the air. You never know who’ll pass by.

The photos

Me and Peg on the edge of the salt pan:

The vegetation around the salt pan is low and sparse. Just behind yours truly is a small Old Man Saltbush, one of many in the area. The leaves are edible and, you guessed it, salty.

The next pic shows what the scene might look like if you forget to don your sunglasses (or if, like the TC, you forget to adjust the camera settings to cater for the bright light):

But wait, what’s that shape on the edge of the salt pan? Zooming in reveals the passer by:

It’s a feral cat. They can survive even the harsh conditions of the Australian Outback.

Viewed through sunglasses, or with adjusted camera settings, the salt pan is easier to view but less aetherial:

The salt pan is on the edge of Garnpung Lake Road, which passes through the regions of Ivanhoe and Willandra Lakes. It’s a dirt road, but good driving through beautiful country. Janet the Jeep was in her element :

Next stop, Lake Mungo. Until then…

That’s all for today, folks.

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© Copyright Sarah Maddox 2008 to now

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  1. Hallo Susan, from one of life’s intrepid travellers to another! Thank you, thank you. I blush at your praise of…

  2. Hey Mark – what an incredible shot of a very photogenic model! Please thank TC for sharing :D (The underground…