Travelling Worm

A bookworm's travelogue

Outback Emu

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Outback Emu

Me and the TC (read about us) are on the road again. During our Outback adventures, we’ve met several other travellers. Not least are the Emus.

Tracks in the red dirt alert you to their presence:

These birds can run at a speed of 50 km per hour (30 miles per hour). We had proof of that when a bird charged out of the bush, ran behind one of the cars in our convoy, hugging the bumper so that the driver had no idea it was there, then spun around the car and dashed in front of it. Luckily, bird and driver avoided a collision.

From an Emu’s point of view, it seems that cars are either play things or creatures that need to be challenged. This bird is most likely considering a dash onto the highway:

Emus are the second-largest bird in the world. They’re nearly 6 feet tall (1.9 metres). That’s a lot bigger than yours truly.

The next encounter is too close for comfort, methinks, but the TC (bless her cotton socks), was keen to get the shot:

That’s all for today, folks.

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2 responses to “Outback Emu”

  1. Susan Avatar

    Hey Mark – what an incredible shot of a very photogenic model! Please thank TC for sharing 😀 (The underground motel is also really neat to see.)

  2. wordsworm Avatar

    Hallo Susan, from one of life’s intrepid travellers to another!

    Thank you, thank you. I blush at your praise of my portrait, though as you can imagine I’m well used to such admiration. The emu was rather fetching too, I thought.

    Best regards
    Mark Wordsworm

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  1. Hallo Susan, from one of life’s intrepid travellers to another! Thank you, thank you. I blush at your praise of…

  2. Hey Mark – what an incredible shot of a very photogenic model! Please thank TC for sharing :D (The underground…